If you have any questions, please contact any committee member - we are all happy to help!
President: Krzysztof Herka (kh650[at]cam.ac.uk)
Vice-president: Savanna Leboff (kh650[at]cam.ac.uk)
Treasurer: Parley Yang (ry266[at]cam.ac.uk)
Speakers' officers: Eliza Rayner (er522[at]cam.ac.uk) and Kate Donnachie (kd457[at]cam.ac.uk)
Social secretaries: Jasmine Pankhania (jrp79[at]cam.ac.uk) and Katie Shaw (ks878[at]cam.ac.uk)
Publicity officers: Alice Hathaway (arh97[at]cam.ac.uk) and Leah Hurst (lrh40[at]cam.ac.uk)
Sponsorship officer: Ellie Austin (ea522[at]cam.ac.uk)
Head of the Whiston Society magazine: Matt Wright (mjw223[at]cam.ac.uk)